Many of these individuals may have previously said no to joining a network marketing business but in recent years, they are joining network marketing companies. They realize that it is very difficult to retire from corporate America unless you are one of the lucky ones to make it to the top ranks. Because they realize that their alternatives to build a secure retirement are limited.
They are deciding that network marketing email list is the way for them to build a secure income stream that will provide them with a comfortable retirement and a dependable income stream well into their golden years and beyond. In the network marketing company that I am affiliated with, there are many success stories of individuals who have joined a network when they were almost at retirement age.
They joined because they knew that having an additional income stream in their retirement years would help to make the years golden. They wouldn't just have to get by on a small pension, social security and other retirement funds. They decided that they didn't want to worry how they could pay for any long term medical care expenses or become a financial burden to their children. Plus, there was the added excitement of building a business in their later years when they would really have the time to pursue it.